Romania in the 4th place in Internet speed connections
In the last half of 2009, Romania has climbed one place compared to early last year in the ranking of the best internet connections. Galati currently occupies 9th place in the top cities in Europe with the best web connection. World ranking is led by South Korea, which has an average of 14.6 Mbps connection. Japan and Hong Kong have an average speed of 7.9, 7.6 Mbps respectively, while Romania ranks fourth position with 6.2 Mbps. Global average Internet connection speed is 1.7 Mbps, shows the latest global report prepared by Akamai. These positions in ranking are occupied by European countries: Sweden (5 top article.7 Mbps), Ireland (5.3), Netherlands (5.2), Switzerland (5), Denmark (4.8) and Czech (4.8 ). United States occupies only the 18th position with an average of 3.9 Mbps. Unfortunately Romania cute and ranking countries where they have their origin most attacks: 3.2% of all attacks launched worldwide originate in our country. Leaders in Russia are found (13% of all attacks), Brazil (8.6%) and USA (6.9%).