About UniteHosting
Unitehosting is concentrating on the need to offer beginners and IT professionals, complete web packages for a fast and easy entering on the internet. As well as Domain Registry partners, we register fast and at good prices domains on your name.
If you are juridical or private person, by our services you can manage fast and efficient the entire web site, e-mail accounts and plus, you have access to statistics using a Control Panel. For those who need their own servers, we offer for rent new generation Dell servers and other brands, managed by Unitehosting
Our team is formed out of experienced administrators and programmers, which besides maintaining the servers in complete safety and ensuring the technical support, are always ready to offer assistance.
Our hosting centres guaranty you that your website will be held in the best conditions. Our technical team is working around the clock to offer you security, speed and access to the latest technologies.

Data Center Web Hosting
The clients systems are held in optimal working conditions, being stored in safety in the server racks
The inferior double zone of the data center, which is ignifuge and antistatic, is working in normal conditions even when the data center is highly used.

Power Data Center
The data centers beneficiate for an autonomous power supply, offered by our own transformer which is integrated in the building
The power supply beneficiate from a redundant system – the alternative power supply from the data center 1 guarantee total safety. Each server-rack inside the data center 1 is supplied with 2 power supply, which are secured at 16 amps each.

Diesel Motor Power Generator
The power of the whole data center is guarantied by an uninterrupted power supply. In case of a power failure, the data center is supplied with energy for a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). Plus, the UPS filters assure against all the fluctuation of the power line.

We have an emergency power installation, with the purpose of supplying with energy the data centre and the constant cooling system, in the case of a power failure. The generator can function 48 hours with only one fuelling. Plus, this one can be refuelled even when working.

The fire extinction system is activated at the smallest exceeding of the nominal condition, to prevent major damages.
The exterior surface of the building is protected against lightnings.

The data center has a fire extinction system based on Argon gas, and is formed from tubes with a pressure 150 times higher then the air pressure.
The fire is extinguished in less then 60 seconds in the data center 1. In this case in the data center 2 is used an ignifuge gas, and the equipment remains perfectly intact.

Control Data Center
The cooling of the spaces is assured all the time with constant temperatures of 18-20 degrees Celsius. The architecture of the machines allows optimal ventilation for the data center without the intervention of the dedicated installations. The server racks ventilation is assured by a ventilation shaft inside the double inferior zone of the data center.
The entering in the data center is done only by an authorized person and with the intervention of the electronic entrance and surveillance systems. The surveillance cameras are mobile assuring a good visualization of the center, inside and outside as well. At the activation of the alarm system, the nearest police station is informed.
The electronic building access system and the security personnel monitor and assure the entrance in the data center only for the authorized persons. The video cameras, as well as the sensors alarm systems, motion sensors ant anti intrusion sensors and the police monitor the exterior and all the interior zones of the building.